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Adroit Information Technology Academy (AITA)

Dear Participant, we request you to provide us with open feedback to make this training process more effective. We shall really appreciate your time in filling up this form.

(Please mark all the points specified below out of 5) [1- Poor, 2- Average, 3- Fair, 4- Good, 5- Excellent]


1. To what extent did the trainer clarify the objectives of the module?

2. How do you rate the trainer’s level of interaction?

3. To what extent did the trainer satisfactorily answer your questions?

4. Did you find the trainer's pace of conducting the session comfortable for learning?

5. How do you rate the overall ability of the trainer?

6. Will you be able to put learning into practice?


1. Did you find the content relevant to your job?

2. To what extent can you utilize the learning from this module?

3. Was the content clear & organized logically?

4. How did the program flow?

5. Was the training in conformity with the training need identified?


1. To what extent was technology effectively used to facilitate learning?

2. Were the service breaks adequate and managed effectively?

3. Were the materials distributed helpful?

4. To what extent would you recommend others with similar needs , to attend this module?

5. How do you rate the overall session?

6. What did you like most about the training?

7.What aspects of the training could be improved?

8. What additional training (if any) would be helpful?

Additional Feedback *